The major goals of our research are to characterize the individual proteases (primarily from the cathepsin family) and their inhibitors (stefins, cystatins and related proteins) and to unravel the molecular mechanisms of processes leading to programmed cell death or regulating the immune response of the organism. In addition, our research is focused towards understanding the roles of proteases in various pathological processes, such as cancer, rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis, and different neurological disorders (Huntington disease, …).
- Uspešen zagovor doktorske disertacijeMarija Grozdanić je v sredo, 20. 12. 2023, pridobila naziv doktor znanosti z uspešnim zagovorom… Read more: Uspešen zagovor doktorske disertacije
- Research paper “Cathephisn L mediated EGFR cleavage affects intracellular signalling pathways in cancer” accepted for publication in Biological ChemistryOur coworkers Marija Grozdanić, Barbara Sobotič (joint first authorship), Monika Biasizzo, Tilen Sever, Robert Vidmar,… Read more: Research paper “Cathephisn L mediated EGFR cleavage affects intracellular signalling pathways in cancer” accepted for publication in Biological Chemistry
- Best Poster AwardCongratulations to our colleague Matej Kolarič, who received the award for the best poster at… Read more: Best Poster Award
- Lecture: Modulation of the stability of cystatin C by intra- and extramolecular factorsProf. Aneta Szymańsk Department of Biomedicinal Chemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Gdańsk, Poland 28.… Read more: Lecture: Modulation of the stability of cystatin C by intra- and extramolecular factors
- Razpis za mlade raziskovalke in raziskovalceOdprt je razpis za kandidatke in kandidate za mlade raziskovalke in mlade raziskovalcepri izbranih mentoricah… Read more: Razpis za mlade raziskovalke in raziskovalce
- ZAPOSLIMONa odseku za biokemijo, molekularno in strukturno biologijo objavljamo prosto delovno mesto: Asistent z doktoratom… Read more: ZAPOSLIMO