September 12, 2024

Research Paper on Cathepsin L-Mediated EGFR Cleavage Published in Biological Chemistry

Our researchers published a study on Cathepsin L-mediated EGFR cleavage and its impact on cancer signalling in Biological Chemistry.

Research Paper on Cathepsin L-Mediated EGFR Cleavage Published in Biological Chemistry

Research Paper on Cathepsin L-Mediated EGFR Cleavage Published in Biological Chemistry


Marija Grozdanić, Barbara Sobotič (joint first authorship), Monika Biasizzo, Tilen Sever, Robert Vidmar, Matej Vizovišek, Boris Turk, Marko Fonović


Our coworkers, led by Marija Grozdanić and Barbara Sobotič, have successfully submitted and had their research paper titled “Cathepsin L-Mediated EGFR Cleavage Affects Intracellular Signalling Pathways in Cancer” accepted for publication in the prestigious journal Biological Chemistry.

Biological Chemistry, Volume 405, Issue 4

Key Findings:

  • EGFR as Cathepsin L Substrate: The study confirmed that EGFR is a substrate of Cathepsin L.
  • Cleavage Site Identified: The research identified the cleavage site on the extracellular domain of the receptor.
  • Impact on Cancer: The modification leads to altered EGFR signalling, which is linked to cancer progression and resistance to EGFR inhibitor drugs.


Understanding the changed EGFR functionality due to Cathepsin L-mediated cleavage offers crucial insights into the mechanism of cancer cell resistance to EGFR-targeted therapies. This knowledge could aid in the development of more effective cancer treatments.

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