
Razpis za mlade raziskovalke in raziskovalce

Na spletni strani je objavljen ”Javni razpis za kandidatke in kandidate za mlade raziskovalke in mlade raziskovalce pri izbranih mentoricah in mentorjih v letu 2023”. Izbrani mentorji odseka B-1: MENTOR RAZISKOVALNA TEMA – TRAINING TOPIC Boris Turk Razvoj naprednih teranostičnih sistemov za zdravljenje rakaDevelopment of advanced theranostic systems for cancer therapy Olga Vasiljeva Novi […]

31. Dnevi Jožefa Stefana

Spoštovani! Tudi letos bomo na Institutu »Jožef Stefan« ob obletnici rojstva velikega slovenskega fizika Jožefa Stefana, ki se je rodil 24. marca 1835, pripravili Dneve Jožefa Stefana. Od 20. do 24. marca 2023 bomo gostili zanimive predavatelje in strokovnjake, razstavo slikarja Nandeta Vidmarja, podelili bomo priznanja zlati znak Jožefa Stefana za odmevna doktorska dela, v […]

Publication in Molecular Aspects of Medicine

Members of our department, Monika Biasizzo, Eva Vidak, Miki Zarić, Boris Turk and our alumni Urban Javoršek have published a review article titled Cysteine cathepsins: A long and winding road towards clinics in the journal Molecular Aspects of Medicine. The article, detailing the troublesome journey of cysteine cathepsin research from the discovery of their involvement […]

Article in Cells: Cystatin C Deficiency Increases LPS-Induced Sepsis and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in Mice

In collaboration with the colleagues from the Faculty of Medicine and Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, University of Ljubljana, we published a paper entitled: Cystatin C Deficiency Increases LPS-Induced Sepsis and NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in Mice (Cells2021, 10(8), 2071; Abstract Cystatin C is a potent cysteine protease inhibitor that plays an important role […]

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