

V programski skupini Proteoliza in njena regulacija pri zdravju in boleznih (vodja: prof. ddr. Turk Boris) vabimo zainteresirane kandidate na prijavo na razpis za mladega raziskovalca*. Mentor mlademu raziskovalcu bo dr. Robert Vidmar, raziskovalno delo bo potekalo na Odseku za biokemijo, molekularno in strukturno biologijo, na Inštitutu Jožef Stefan. Na prijavo na razpis vabljeni kandidati, […]

FEBS ICGEB workshop ‘Proteolysis: at the interface between health and disease

Dear colleagues and friends, it is our pleasure to invite you to this year’s  FEBS ICGEB workshop ‘Proteolysis: at the interface between health and disease’. This workshop aims at addressing current issues, progress, and expansion taking place in the field of proteases, protein inhibitors and their mechanisms of control under physiological and pathological conditions. Several […]

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